Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

We are a full-service Marketing Company that combines Offline Marketing with Digital Marketing. For years now, there has been a debate about whether to choose Offline Marketing or Online Marketing for the Brands' Promotions. Experts have found it is always better to combine these two and we are supported by such experts and mentors, that's why LEDwale offers the combination of both the robust marketing methods.

We provide strategic digital marketing services throughout India including states like Maharashtra, Gujrat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and many more. Our Digital reach is not only limited to India but worldwide.

We pay the time to know you and your business intimately, put along a method that permits you to achieve your goals and is constructed around where your customers live and the way they act. We then work our digital solutions with an agile approach until we discover the correct channels that manufacture the best results.

We’ve worked with many different businesses over the years across most industries, have some of the highest minds in digital in our team spanning across all areas of digital marketing and love creating new success stories. No wastage, one-team, with a real result-oriented approach. Digital promoting is our passion and we’re here to assist light the path.

Check out our Flair of Digital Marketing Services

1. Google Ads – Outperform your Competitors

LEDwale is one of the few marketing agencies that mix offline marketing with online promoting. With expertise operating with over two dozen industries across all areas in India managing and optimizing campaigns that trounce your competitors. Google Ads is a difficult tool, that done right will warrant very sturdy results, however, done wrong and marketers can be put off forever. Sadly, managing and optimizing a high performing campaign involves a high level of talent, constant up-skilling staying in tune with new updates, features, and best practices, constant testing, iteration and after all – time, that's needed to be endowed. Campaigns with “Set and forget” format now won’t work; that is why you need a passionate Google Ads company to do the work for you while you concentrate on your business and do what you are doing best.

CTA Button: Contact our Google Ads Experts to Know More.

2. Display Advertising–Capture more with Image Ads

There are several names for “Display Ads” or, Image advertising, display Banner or GDN advertising, and therefore the list goes on. Display Advertising is advertising through visually designed banners, flash or maybe text that work the as specification space. Sort of a hoarding however online, they are nice for building brands and getting your message across in an artistic method. They are also extremely cost-efficient compared to alternative styles of advertising and are an excellent possibility when paired with another campaign. In real-time we are going to bid for ad placements that are relevant to your audience. Different targeting techniques include discourse targeting through keywords and topics relevant to what your potential client is also looking for on the web, managed placements for specific websites we want your ad to be shown that are extremely relevant to your audience and also through remarketing code put in on your website (which tracks potential customers who have gone to your website then leave, and so follows them around with targeted image ads throughout the internet). Your display banner ads are created in numerous sizes by our artistic team. We are able to do still image ads, animated image ads, HTML image ads. Ad placements will be at the highest, side, or bottom of a website dependent on the scale of the media space accessible to us.

3. Remarketing –Bring them back

Remarketing is a good manner for advertisers to put rigorously crafted image ads back in front of their target market. The way to mention “remember me?” And bring them back for a second probability to convert. Those who have visited their website, shown interest, and probably left without purchasing. Remarketing is a terribly effective way of getting your traffic back for a second probability of converting particularly for e-commerce websites. Remarketing will work when combined with PPC efforts. Help close your sales loop and seal your leaky online sales funnel. We are able to handle everything to get your business up and running with remarketing. LEDwale can build your remarketing campaign and lists, install tracking code into your website and take a look at to ensure everything is functioning. Our inventive team can produce compelling display ads (image ads) that are used to bid in real time across countless different websites we have access to get you the most effective result that helps grow your business.

4. Social Media Marketing –Time to get Social

LEDwale is a distinctive social media shop, leading the means in India. Whether you are a single head looking at dominating your brand on social network, or a multi-national firm needing to streamline content creation and social media management, we are a good business partner. A wise strategy starts from the bottom up. This needs an agency to assess your current situation, check out what your competitors do in native markets, and identifying what your client really desires to listen to from you. At this time, we can develop and style good social strategies that embody top platforms to work on, creating a client persona and building a demographic list ultimately driving an idea which will build client engagement, build trust, loyalty, build your brand and build customers.

5. SEO –Long Last on Search Engines

If your website is not present on major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo, you are in trouble. 90% of Google searches won’t make it post the primary page. LEDwale is a full service, an SEO company that makes a specialty of getting our customers ranked on the first page, long-term, driving a lot of sales and customers through a rise in traffic. Websites should be used to generate awareness, leads and new business, and once optimized right, will do specifically that. Using an agency to do your SEO work for you can be discouraging, that is why we’ve created it straightforward to partner with Firefly to grow your business. Allow us to go through the technical jargon that different marketers try and confuse you with, and break it down with easy and simple to follow language. Our results represent themselves.